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The Horse’s Axe Throwing League

Rules and Regulations

Legal Axe Specifications

  1. All participants must use a horse’s Axe or THA axe.  Rare Breeds purchased from The Horse’s Axe are excluded.  If an axe is modified it must fall within the following specifications:
    1. Weight and Dimensions
      1. Total Maximum Weight: 2.5lbs (1,113.98 grams/1.13398kg)
      2. Handle Length: 19 inches (48.26cm).  measured from the top of the axe head to the bottom of the wood handle.
      3. Blade: maximum 4.25 inches long (10.79cm).  Measured from highest to lowest point in a straight line.
    2. All handles must be made of wood.
    3. Axes can have only one blade.  Backside blades, points and spikes are not allowed.
    4. Axe heads must be secure.  Heads cannot be loose and cannot be temporarily secured to the handle.
    5. All Horse’s Axe branded axes fall within specifications.


  1. All throws will be scored by a Horse’s Axe Judge.
    1. If a Thrower removes their Axe from the target before a Judge can determine the score, the score for that throw is forfeit and will be recorded as a 0 (zero).
    2. The axe must remain in the target.  If an axe lands in the target and then falls to the ground without being touched by anyone, that is a miss and the score is 0 (zero).  
    3. The judge, at their discretion, may remove the axe to look at the mark on the wood to determine the score.  Throwers cannot remove their axe unless instructed to do so by the judge.
  2. Throwers and spectators will not bully, harass, or attempt to influence a judge in any way.  Any spectator doing so, will be asked to leave.  Any throwers doing so will forfeit that round.  All scores in that round (10 throws) will be scored 0 (zero).
  3. At the end of each round, the throwers will be given an opportunity to verify their scores have been recorded correctly.  Once the round is closed, scores cannot be changed.
  4. At least 1 Judge must be present per 24 throwers.
  5. Judges and Horse’s Axe employees are NOT allowed to participate in League.
  6. ​​Judges should not preside over sanctioned games where there is a conflict of interest unless the circumstances are unavoidable. Conflicts of interest would include – family members, significant others, etc.
  7. Judges are responsible for disclosing any conflicts of interest to throwers before a sanctioned game and directly asking them if they’d prefer a new judge.
  8. Throwers can request another Judge if a conflict of interest is present.
  9. If another judge or thrower believes that a judge is not following the current rules and regulations or is making incorrect calls, they must report it directly to a Head Judge or other event authority immediately.
  10. Judges may be pulled from scoring at any time by any Horse’s Axe authority.

Lanes and Scoring

  1. All Horse’s Axe Lanes are 12ft deep and can range from 5ft to 6ft wide.
  2. All Horse’s Axe Targets are projected.  The Red & White target will be used.
  3. All Target wood is end grain.
  4. One target per lane.
  5. Competitions will use the Standard Target (Red & White setting) with a moving bullseye.
  6. All Horse’s Axe Lanes have a thick red line ranging from 15 – 18 inches deep.  The front of that red line is the foul line.  Throwers cannot cross over the front of the red line until their throw is scored by a judge.  If any part of a throwers foot crosses the front of the red line, that throw will score a 0 (zero).
  7. Ringers (8 points) appear only in frames 5 and 10
    1. Ringers are located at the top left and right inside the “one point” ring.
    2. Attempts to throw at a Ringer must be called in advance of the throw.
    3. If the thrower misses the ringer the resulting score will be 0 (zero).
    4. The same ringer (left or right) cannot be thrown at more than one time in a 10 frame round.  For instance, in Frame 5, if a thrower calls the right-hand ringer, the thrower must call the left hand ringer in frame 10.  Failure to call the correct ringer will result in a  score of 0 (zero) for that throw.
  8. The same axe must be used during a round.  The only reason an axe can be changed during a round is if the axe breaks.
  9. Axes can be changed between rounds.
  10. If the Axe crosses a line in the target the thrower will get the higher point.
  11. The score is based on where the axe blade penetrates the surface of the wood.  An axe blade beneath the surface of the wood does not count toward scoring. 
  12. Throwers have 1 challenge per round.  If a thrower challenges the score of a judge, a second Horse’s Axe Authority will judge the score.  The score from the second judge cannot be challenged.
  13. We prefer Thrower throw at their home location. A Thrower can throw at any Horse’s Axe location.  Your scores will be entered at your home location.  Any home location advantage or disadvantage is not considered for scoring when throwing at a different location.


League Season

  1. A single season is 7 weeks long
  2. Championship week is the 8th week
  3. If a player needs to miss a week (vacation, etc..) they can make up the week on another League night during the 7-week season.  Make up throws can be made in advance of or after your time away during the 7-week season.  Make up throws cannot be done during scheduled bye weeks.
  4. If the player is paying weekly, they must pay to make up the score for the missed week.
  5. We prefer throwers throw at their home location.  But, a thrower can throw at any Horse’s Axe location.  Your scores will be entered at your home location.  Any home location advantage or disadvantage is not considered for scoring when throwing at a different location.
  6. Each week will consist of each player throwing three 10-frame rounds (total of 30 throws).
  7. Scores from all 3 rounds will be added together to determine the weekly scores.
  8. Scores from all weeks will be added together to determine the season score and rankings.
  9. The Top 6 throwers from each league will advance to their League Championship.


Advanced and Intermediate (Beginner) Leagues

  1. All throwers are placed in a league based on their skill level season to season
  2. All new participants will start in the Intermediate League.
  3. Judges may determine at any time during the first 4 weeks of a season if a person should be moved to another league.  Participants may be moved up to Advanced or down to Intermediate.
  4. Participants may petition a judge to move down to the Intermediate level.
  5. Advanced Level is defined as an average weekly score of 120+ points (cumulative of 3 rounds) based on previous season results.
  6. Throwers in the Advanced league can be moved down to Intermediate in the following season.
  7. No sandbagging.  Defined as deliberately throwing below one’s actual ability or a player who intentionally lowers their rating by throwing poorly on purpose, often with the intent of entering tournaments that they can easily win.
    1. Example, if a player in the intermediate league throws low in weeks 1-3, but starts throwing exceptionally well in week 4, the Judge can move that player to the Advanced league.
    2. Previous weeks scores stay the same so this could harm a players chances of being in the League Championship.
  8. The Top 6 throwers from each league will advance to their League Championship week.


Championship Week

  1. Championship week is the 8th week of the season.
  2. Throwing will take place at one of the Horse’s Axe locations.  Travel will be necessary for Championship Night.
  3. Championship week will consist of three 10-frame rounds (30 throws) per thrower.
  4. Scores from all three rounds will added together to determine the Championship score.
  5. Championship week will be a stand-alone week.  Scores from the previous 7 weeks in the season are not considered except for ranking.
  6. Throwing order is determined by the rankings from the first 7 weeks.  Lowest rankings throws first.  Highest rankings throw last.
  7. Sudden Death:
    1. If Championship week results in a tie, Sudden Death throws will take place to determine the winner.
    2. The Judge will flip a coin to determine who will throw first.
    3. All Sudden Death throws will be thrown at Ringers.
    4. Sudden Death ringer throws will alternate between the left and right ringer.  If a thrower throws at the right-hand ringer first, they must throw at the left hand ringer next if Sudden Death moves to a second throw.
    5. The left or right ringer must be called by the thrower.  
    6. It is the throwers preference on which ringer they will throw at first.
    7. The score is based on where the axe blade penetrates the surface of the wood.  An axe blade beneath the surface of the wood does not count toward scoring. 
    8. Throwers have No Challenges during Sudden Death. 
    9. All judged scores are final.
    10. Sudden Death is a 1-throw throw off.  All throwers get the same number of throws.  If all throwers miss, they will each throw again, until a ringer is hit and there is a winner.
    11. There will be no measurements to determine who is closest to a Ringer.  The Ringer must be hit.


League Pricing

  1. $20 per week or $120 for the 7-week season.
  2. Championship Week is the 8th week.  There is no cost for participants in the Championship.
  3. League members get 20% off Horse’s Axe merchandise.

League Dates

Winter 2024

February 1st - March 28th

Week 1: Thursday, February 1st, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 2: Thursday, February 8th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 3: Thursday, February 15th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 4: Thursday, February 22nd, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 5: Thursday, February 29th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 6: Thursday, March 7th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 7: Thursday, March 14th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Bye Week: No throwing.

Championship: Thursday, March 28th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Spring 2024

May 2nd - June 27th

Week 1: Thursday, May 2nd, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 2: Thursday, May 9th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 3: Thursday, May 16th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 4: Thursday, May 23rd, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 5: Thursday, May 30th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 6: Thursday, June 6th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 7: Thursday, June 13th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Bye Week: No throwing.

Championship: Denton Horse’s Axe location.  Thursday, June 27th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Summer 2024

July 11th – August 29th

Week 1: Thursday, July 11th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 2: Thursday, July 18th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 3: Thursday, July 25th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 4: Thursday, August 1st, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 5: Thursday, August 8th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 6: Thursday, August 15th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 7: Thursday, August 22nd, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Championship:  McKinney Horse’s Axe location.  Thursday, August 29th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Fall 2024

September 12th – November 7th

Week 1: Thursday, September 12th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 2: Thursday, September 19th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 3: Thursday, September 26th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 4: Thursday, October 3rd, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 5: Thursday, October 10th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 6: Thursday, October 17th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Week 7: Thursday, October 24th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)

Bye Week: No throwing.

Championship: Denison Horse’s Axe location.  Thursday, November 7th, 7pm-9pm (warm up starts at 6:30pm)